by waiter | Jun 15, 2007 | Uncategorized
This is the first “guest blogger” to be published on Waiter Rant. If all goes well and the submissions are good, I’ll publish one a week. Enjoy! How to Score with a Waitress – Ella Lawrence I was asked out by my last table at The Bistro last...
by waiter | Jun 14, 2007 | Uncategorized
As some of you might’ve already guessed, I quit my restaurant job. To protect my anonymity I’ll just say I quit before Mother’s Day. To reveal any other time details might risk exposing me and the restaurant I was working for. And to answer the question before it’s...
by waiter | Jun 14, 2007 | Uncategorized
Hello waiter: One of my pet peeves is feeling rushed by too-fast service. I frequently dine out alone, usually at “off” hours when there’s no rush to turn tables, no wait list, etc. (I wouldn’t dream of tying up a table at such times)....
by waiter | Jun 13, 2007 | Uncategorized
Since Waiter Rant started three years ago, I’ve fielded thousands of querys from the dining public. Questions like “What’s an appropriate tip for takeout?” “Should I stack my plates to assist the bus boy with cleaning the table?” “Is it cool to snort coke in the...
by waiter | Jun 10, 2007 | Uncategorized
“Service Compris” is an article in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine about the humble staff meal, as interpreted by the chefs at Per Se, the famous Thomas Keller eatery located in the Time Warner Center. The author, Randy Kennedy, tells us that the employee meal...
by waiter | Jun 9, 2007 | Uncategorized
I thought this guy’s website was hilarious. The Breaded Reptile with a Whipped Grits sounded great. I’m sure some NYC chef desperate for inspiration will cycle through this thing ad infinitum. Check it out.
by waiter | Jun 8, 2007 | Uncategorized
I’m sitting at a bar drinking a pint of beer. The bar’s around the corner from my house. It has decent food and cute waitresses. Talk about convenient. The outside tables are crowded with people getting drunk and smoking cigarettes. I notice many of the revelers are...
by waiter | May 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
“Drop off or pick up?” the rental car salesman asks me. “Pick up,” I reply. “Are you going through insurance?” “Yes. I already made a reservation.” “Just have a seat sir,” the clerk says. “I’ll be with you in a sec.” I sit in a plastic chair and sift though the car...
by waiter | May 29, 2007 | Uncategorized
It’s Saturday night and I’m waiting on a table of twenty adolescent girls celebrating their friend’s sixteenth birthday. The parents of the birthday girl are sitting with friends on the opposite side of the restaurant, ostensibly to give the teenagers some privacy....
by waiter | May 29, 2007 | Uncategorized
“I have to take you home Virginia.” “But I don’t want to go home.” “I’m sure you don’t.” “Can you make me go home?” Virginia asked, idly pushing a hash brown into a pool of ketchup. “Yes.” We were eating bacon and eggs inside a coffee shop across from the Port...