Sliced Thin

It’s lunchtime and I’m hungry. Sadly, other than the two dozen cans of emergency tuna I keep around in the event of Armageddon, my cupboard’s bare. Since I’m sick of tuna salad sandwiches, I decide to go the supermarket and buy food with a...

Book Signing in Hawley, PA!

I’ll be doing a book signing with my father (The author of the mystery novel Rude Promenade) at the Hawley Winterfest at the Hawley Public Library in downtown Hawley, Pennsylvania this Saturday, December 13, from 11:00AM – 3:00PM. Copies of both our books...

Waiter Rant Radio!

Regina Brett of Cleveland’s 90.3 WCPN had me as a guest on her show The Sound of Ideas this morning.If want to tune in, click here!

Calling all Manhattan Doormen!

I’m looking to interview several doormen working in New York City for my book “At Your Service.” If you or anyone you know is a doormen in a residential building, please email me at Confidentiality assured. I would also like to...

Gay Mac

It’s Saturday afternoon and I’m sitting inside a Starbucks waiting for my friend Alan. I just bought a new MacBook and Alan, who’s a real Appletista, has offered to show me around the unfamiliar operating system. The old laptop I wrote Waiter Rant on...

Explosion of the New Gilded Age

It’s a wet and dreary Monday afternoon and I’m driving to the hospital where I work part time. The dark clouds hanging low in the sky have soaked up what’s left of the day’s sunlight, causing the headlights from passing cars to generate diffuse...

Kellner Rant!

I’m very happy to announce that Droemer Knaur will be publishing the German edition of Waiter Rant! Many thanks to Sebastian Ritscher at MohrBooks for making it happen! Danke everybody!

Toy Box

It’s two-thirty in the afternoon and I’m drinking coffee in a nurse’s lounge at the hospital where I work a couple of days a week. Like any nurse’s lounge, the place is awash with cake, cookies, half eaten cartons of Chinese food, and boxes of...


I’m at the laundromat folding my freshly cleaned underwear when Mike, a waiter I know from a local restaurant, walks in dragging a laminated paper bag of dirty clothes behind him. He doesn’t notice me as he starts stuffing his white shirts, black pants, server aprons,...