Fighting Decay 

Things you have to do  To your body stay true. Diet, exercise, apothecary Doctors, tests, insurance mandatory.  Youth ground away  A little more each day But forget counsel’s irredentist I still have to go to the dentist.  Ever since battles...

Jerusalem Can Wait 

Every tear wiped away, But not in Isreal Not in Gaza. Where’s your Messiah now?  Ukraine’s sunflowers weep, Unable to follow the sun Attrited by Third Rome’s janissaries, Iconostases rubbled By eyes in the sky weeping ruin.  Iron beasts, slain Litter desert,...

The One That Got Away 

Young, trim and cute Setting all reason on mute Forever twenty-one I thought she was the one. Yet lost in trauma Oh Mama! Slipped away Through my fingers one day.  Day she was lost My friend crucified on cancer’s cross Wheeled out on gurney entire Consigned to...

Reynard’s Fiddle

There will be wars  And rumors of wars The rapacious mogul knows Plying his long division in television shows. Fractional punditry Unhinged jaws, Hell’s colliers  Cast the masses sundry Into worlds polar.  Reynard’s sly Vixens too, aggrieved privilege...

So Goeth Before the Fall

Fall, my favorite season Fires chlorophyllous, riotous, Swirling as kids rustle about Hiding in leaves.  Familial conscripts raking   Chafing against Sisyphean task Hedges color snared  Trees haltingly immodest.  Trick or Treat  The...

Showering Regret

Live long enough It’s a good bet  You’re gonna accumulate regret.  With me, youthful mistakes Manifest in the shower Bursting unmasked, clarity’s power.  How was I so stupid?  Yelping with chagrin Aged missteps alive again.  Despite water and suds I cannot...

Dirty Magazine

Angels pornographic God’s eros unbound Beauty frozen in mouths agape And limbs interwound.  Beckoning above the Racing Forum But below Guns & Ammo Sultry eyes suggest  Two or three gathered in His name   Might make a spicy quorum.  Airbrushed,...

Sunday At The Bar

Chores done Time for a beer I should cut back Maybe next year. Tires crunching gravel Engage parking brake Will tired feet to travel I have thirst to slake. Bright outside, inside dim Eyes adjust Disinhibited shouts, the usual din Here and there, a smattering of lust....

Thoughts In A Lyonnaise Church

Sheltered under beckoning spires  Prismatic windows spin fire Onto cold stone Taking a pew, he sits alone.  Votives burn and flicker   Incense ghosts’ bicker A monstrance gleams  Nothing is what it seems.  Sacerdotalism misplaced ...

Circus Bread

Glowing faces  Fingers dancing Connections on hold News, diversions, errata Dopamine likes never postponed.  Mother, father, son, daughter,  At table  Eating one handed  Chewing, Their batteries running low.  The waitress sighs She has tables to turn. ...