Rendering Judgment

Yesterday my daughter toddled into the house after pre-school and issued her usual demand. “Peppa TV Daddy! Peppa TV!” My daughter is totally in love with Peppa Pig, a children’s cartoon from Great Britain.  Much to the amusement of her teachers she’s watched so much...

Eye of the Needle

A few weeks ago, a father called me and asked if his children could volunteer at my food pantry. “I was raised with nothing,” he told me. “Then I got lucky and made a lot of money. Now I live in a big house in a Richburg. My kids want for nothing. But that’s not how...

Happy Birthday Old Friend

“Buster” turned fourteen years old yesterday, officially surpassing his breed’s normal lifespan. Happy Birthday old friend. I owe you a great deal.

It’s My Turn

It was a crisp fall morning and I was walking towards my truck when a young boy ran up to me. “There’s trouble, sir! Come quick!” I stared down at the boy. “What kind of trouble?” “Mr. Johnson’s being robbed.” I looked at the general store across the town square. The...


It was 2:00 AM on a hot and humid night and I was driving home after spending an evening with friends. The heavy and dank air kept fogging up my windshield and no amount of fiddling with the A/C or rolling down the windows would alleviate it. Even with the windshield...

The Other Side of Light

I was relaxing at my parent’s house in Pennsylvania when my dog, Felix, began whinnying and pawing at the door. “You have to go out?” I said. Felix’s reply was a short bark. Hauling myself off the couch, I slipped on my shoes and opened the front door. Felix bounded...