by waiter | Nov 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
A few weeks ago, in order to wean my daughter from those Barbie shows she’s always watching, I suggested we watch a nice nature program instead. After spinning up a list of National Geographic shows on my smart television, I told my daughter to pick one and,...
by waiter | Nov 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
Many years ago, I dated a lovely and kind woman who hailed from Dallas, Texas. Her late father was a theologian of some renown at Southern Methodist University and had been on the faculty committee that investigated a scandal involving the school’s Division One...
by waiter | Oct 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
The car in the driveway had an expired inspection sticker and was covered in a year’s worth of grime. The owner of the car’s abode was in even worse shape. Paint long faded by decades of summers into a forlorn shade of grey, the house seemed to sag defeatedly under...
by waiter | Aug 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
I’m allergic to cats. A friend of mine has three or four of them, necessitating mass quantities of Claritin if I want to go inside his house. Don’t get me wrong, I like cats – they’re graceful and beguiling creatures – but they turn me into a sneezing snotty mess...
by waiter | Aug 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
A few weeks back, a COVID denying right-wing Fauci bashing radio host died from the very virus he claimed was a hoax. Of course, the Twitterverse took no time in expressing its glee. “Thinning the herd!” “Get Wrecked. Good riddance.” ...
by waiter | Jun 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
“Why don’t we try that French place, Reynard’s?” I asked. “It’s your birthday, my wife said. “We can go wherever you want.” “Reynard’s it is, then.” (Not the restaurant’s real name, but it’s easy to figure out.) To celebrate my fifty-third...