Nobody Prays at The Slumlord’s House

I saw this excellent and thought provoking article by Mary Pezzulo on Patheos and decided to reprint it here.  Nobody Prays at the Slumlord’s House I saw a post online recently, about people praying the Rosary outside the public library. It’s a rally they’ve planned...

My Birthday, Yet Again

Several times a year, I must undergo tests to see if my cancer has returned. Despite all the previous ones coming back negative and my doctor telling me I’m “golden,” I still live with the fear it’ll come back. Normally I’m fine between these diagnostic probes of my...

Bless This Mess

Yesterday, my wife texted me an article about a priest who resigned his pastorship of a Catholic parish because all the baptisms he’d performed over twenty years had been deemed invalid. That means all the subsequent sacraments those unbaptized souls had received –...

Getting Naked

My wife was stuck at work, so my daughter and I were enjoying a quiet dinner when she asked, “Daddy? How many girlfriends do you have?”  “I don’t have any girlfriends” I said. “I’m married to your mother.” “Did you have girlfriends?”  “Yes.”  “How...

Time & Change

It was the morning after my daughter’s eighth birthday and since she had a delayed school opening, she got to sleep in late. Taking advantage of the quiet I made myself breakfast, put on a pot of coffee and then, after I’d stowed the dishes in the dishwasher, retired...

The Circle of Life

A few weeks ago, in order to wean my daughter from those Barbie shows she’s always watching, I suggested we watch a nice nature program instead. After spinning up a list of National Geographic shows on my smart television, I told my daughter to pick one and,...