Crooked Ways Made Straight, Again

Grieving people sometimes find it therapeutic returning to work, finding solace in established routines and familiar faces while others need to avoid their job altogether. Everyone’s different, but I found myself comfortable with neither option. But since I work in...

I’ll Be Okay

In an effort to keep my good cholesterol up, I started jogging a few months ago. It’s slow going and sucks but, after getting up to three miles straight on my gym’s treadmills, I decided to put on my big boy shorts and start running outside. I wish someone had told me...

Enameled Loss

When I left work today, I ran into my boss in the hallway. “Leaving early?” he said.  “I have to go grave shopping today,” I said, putting on what I thought was an appropriately solemn look. “Find a place for my father’s ashes. Volunteers are...

The Long Goodbye

My mom fell ill with stomach flu the day of my dad’s wake and couldn’t go. That was hard on all of us, but especially for her. I resisted well-meaning calls to convince her otherwise because, as I told my family, “I don’t want to have to do this again anytime soon.”...

The Loved One 

A couple of hours after my father died, I was sitting in the back office of a funeral home waiting for the director to arrive when I heard a car pull up and the sound of a heavy door opening and closing. Getting up from my seat, I went to the window and pulled back...

Eulogy for John Dublanica

March 7, 2024  When my brother and I were children in the 1970’s my father loved to play records on the old hi-fi in our living room. His choices were, of course, as varied as his eclectic tastes– ranging from classical music, recordings of Shakespeare plays,...