Every Tear Wiped Away

“C’mon Dad!” Natalie cried, dragging me by the hand. “C’mon!” “Lead the way,” I said As the attendant lowered the safety bar on the roller coaster ride, I wasn’t overly concerned. When I was a younger man, I went on just about every kind of amusement park ride...

Liam Neeson I Ain’t

As we journeyed on the Metro to The Louvre, I wondered if the subway car was overly crowded because of the security cordon for the approaching Olympics or if it was always this fucked up.  “The station at Place de la Concorde is closed,” my wife said. “We have to...

Anchors Away

Yesterday morning I was sitting on the couch, sipping coffee to rouse myself into consciousness, when my wife said, “This is Natalie’s last week of summer camp.”  “Already?” I said,   “Fifth grade is right around the corner.”  Closing my eyes, I...