
Here are two fun interviews I did for The and WNBC. Many thanks to Gregg Greenberg and Jillian Kreitzman for making it look easy!

TV Land

I’m very happy to announce that the good people at BermanBraun, an independent production company, have optioned Waiter Rant for development as a television series. My deep thanks to Gail Berman and Lloyd Braun for their faith in the material I’ve created and their...

Second Course

I’m very happy to announce that I will be writing another book for Ecco! Titled At Your Service, I’ll be going “undercover” to investigate the dynamics of tipping across the service industry. And I won’t just be writing about waiters mind you, but nail technicians,...

Gallbladders & Death

I’m lying sideways on a gurney in the radiology department of my local hospital. My bloated abdomen glistening with ultrasound jelly, I feel like a beached whale leaking ambergris. “Take a deep breath and hold it,” the ultrasound technician says, pressing the...

The City Brotherly Love

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately. My life has been very busy with professional and personal activities. In fact I’m heading down to Philadelphia today to do a TV show and a radio interview! Then I’m speaking at the Brooklyn Book Festival this...