
“Is all your pasta homemade?” my customer, an obvious foodie type, asks. “No sir,” I reply truthfully, “Some, not all.” “What’s homemade?” the man asks with a trace of exasperation, “I only eat homemade pasta.” I want to tell my customer he’s been infected with...

Business is My Trouble

The Bistro’s phone rings. I glare at it. I should pick it up by the third ring but I don’t. I hate the phone today. I’m at the end of my workweek and my reservoir of patience is depleted. If I have to deal with one more socially maladjusted misfit I’ll be forced to...

Bean Town Interview

I was interviewed by Luke O’Neil for a recent article about the travails of being a waiter for the website Boston’s Weekly Dig. “It begins with the best of intentions. Head out. A bite to eat. A few drinks. But eating out is actually much more complex than that, and...

Kobayashi Maru

It’s a seven o’clock on beautiful Monday night. The Bistro’s half full and we only have a few reservations. But, after being driven indoors by a rainy weekend, the Yuppies will probably want to bust out of their Williams Sonomanized cocoons so they can narcotize the...

Ball of Fire

It’s Friday afternoon and the Bistro’s dead. I’m outside catching some sun. I read somewhere that you need fifteen minutes of solar exposure to get your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D. Without enough you run the risk of developing everything from...