by waiter | Apr 29, 2005 | Uncategorized
I’m training a couple of new waiters. I forget their names. Actually, I don’t want to know their names. They probably won’t last long. Being a waiter is like being a soldier in combat. Veterans don’t want get to know the green recruit. They’re going to get blown...
by waiter | Apr 27, 2005 | Uncategorized
I’ve only had to physically throw out one customer in all my time as a waiter. The guy at Clublife gets to do it every night! An entertaining blog about a bouncer in NYC. Go read!
by waiter | Apr 25, 2005 | Uncategorized
Waiter Rant is one year old today. Can you believe it?
by waiter | Apr 25, 2005 | Uncategorized
Twice a week Mr. Escher comes into the bistro to get takeout for his wife. Twice a week I get to hear how much he hates her. “Are you married?” Mr. Escher asks me while paying for his order. “No sir. I’m not.” “Good. Never get...
by waiter | Apr 20, 2005 | Uncategorized
Louis and I are back by the soda machine shooting the shit. “Check this out,” Louis says, “Did you hear of that new gay TV network that’s starting up? “I heard something about it,” I reply “Well they called me.” “Really? Why?” “My twentieth high school reunion is next...